Why INGO Forum?

Why INGO Forum?

The INGO Forum provides a unique space for INGOs in Bangladesh to:

  • Share best practices and expertise for improved program delivery.
  • Advocate for collective interests and influence policy decisions.
  • Coordinate efforts to maximize impact and avoid duplication.
  • Promote transparency and accountability within the INGO sector.

Governance and Structure

The INGO Forum operates on a voluntary basis with no formal leadership positions. Responsibilities for chairing, co-chairing, and hosting meetings rotate among member organizations. A membership list is maintained, and attendance is expected from senior representatives (Country Director, Deputy CD, etc.).

Values and Principles

The INGO Forum adheres to a set of core principles guiding the work of its members in Bangladesh. These principles emphasize:

  • Share best practices and expertise for improved program delivery.
  • Commitment to improving the lives of Bangladeshi people.
  • Respect for the nation's constitution, laws, and cultural values.
  • Neutrality in political matters.
  • Transparency, inclusivity, and community participation in program development.
  • Non-discrimination and focus on objective needs assessments.
  • Accountability to beneficiaries and resource providers.
  • A focus on both long-term development and emergency response.
  • Adherence to international humanitarian principles and human rights law.
  • Ethical practices in recruitment, procurement, and other transactions.
  • Commitment to performance excellence and openness to evaluation.
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