The INGO Forum is a platform for International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) working in Bangladesh. It facilitates information exchange, collaboration, and advocacy to improve the effectiveness of INGOs in the country.

The INGO Forum welcomes all INGOs operating in Bangladesh. While there's no formal application process, you can express your interest by reaching out to a current member or attending a meeting.

Membership offers opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, advocacy, and promoting transparency within the INGO sector.

The forum generally meets quarterly, with additional meetings possible based on need.

Meeting dates and details are typically circulated among members via email. Once you express interest in joining, you'll be included in these communications.

Unfortunately, the INGO Forum doesn't maintain a public phone number or physical address due to its reliance on rotating leadership and volunteer efforts. However, you can express your interest by contacting a current member or reaching out through the email address listed below (assuming they establish one).

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