
On the Frontlines of Change: WASH Volunteers

 webase Solutions
 31 July 2024 11:01 AM    38 reads

The haor or backswamp areas in the northeast of Bangladesh are a sight in the rainy season. When I had last visited the sub-district of Tahirpur in Sunamganj district in winter, we had travelled by motorcycle over rugged potholed roads and long stretches of sand. By the time I visited this August, much of Tahirpur had transformed into vast watery plains, and the unique beauty and challenges of this wetland ecosystem were in full display. 

I had come to Tahirpur to see the WASH in Health project being implemented by WaterAid Bangladesh, in partnership with the NGO Efforts for Rural Advancement (ERA) funded by HSBC. In this isolated region, community clinics are the vital frontline of healthcare services. We are working with local government and communities across 18 community clinics in this upazila to revitalise clinic management, upgrade WASH facilities, and support surrounding communities to access safe water, improved sanitation and proper hygiene.

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